Saturday, March 21, 2009

Beach babies!


It has been 2.5 months since moving back to Orlando and I am still unpacking boxes.  The last two months have been interesting to say the least, and "moving" never really ends at your final destination.  Mike and I placed most of our belongings in a storage unit with only the necessities in tow to our temporary home.  I thought by taking minimal belongings to "live" with would transition us into simple living, but it has been far from simple.  My perception of "minimal" hasn't quite agreed with the living space that we have been provided (although I am very grateful for even that).

Our family of four, which includes a toddler and a three year old (who seems to be more like 15 and hormonal), crammed into two 10x10 rooms is quite the sight to see.  I pride myself (most of the time) for organization, but lately I haven't felt up to the Martha Stewart standard that I seem to put myself up to.  I am more like that 15 year old hormonal, messy teenager that I just so cleverly described Garrett as.  I haven't gotten into a groove yet, but I am praying for organized living soon!  Please God!!!  

Anyway, on to the next item of "one way" discussion.  Let's see...well, I am challenging myself to one month of extremely limited Facebook.  Without going into too much detail, it has been a HUGE struggle and time waster for me and I was starting to spend more time and feelings on there than I had to spare.  Blogging doesn't seem to be that much of a better decision for time wasting, but at least it is an outlet for me that I very much need these days.  My close friends and loved ones are hopefully reading this blog, so I haven't totally removed myself from cyber society. Dear FB friends, I will not be on FB much so please email me!  Don't tempt me with the "facebook" notifications that ever so cleverly lure me via my gmail inbox.  I am trying to work on a better controlled time frame allowance.  :)  Unfortunately, my plan of staying away 100% from the temptation, failed, as my need to stay connected with some family members/friends that are EXTREMELY important to me, won the battle.  I love you guys!  But, I failed my personal test.  Better luck next time I say.  

We just had Garrett's third birthday party today.  The kids were so much fun and had a blast when a real firetruck showed up in front of our house for display.  All I can say is thank you Orange County Fire Rescue!  You are the best!

I made Garrett's cake this year, a firetruck fondant cake.  My sister in law and best friend Christi came over to help me with my vision.  It turned out pretty well considering this was my first "carved into shape" cake.  Garrett loved it and now wants a "McQueen" birthday cake.  My dear child, baking times for Lightening McQueen birthday cakes are about 364 days.  

Mike and I had a great time for my birthday.  Wait, let me back up.  A dear friend started my day off with treating me to a pedicure and sushi (YUM!), which was a much needed pick me up.  I love her!  But more b/c we have been dear friends for so long and know pretty much everything there is to know about one another.  I was definitely pampered, and loved every minute of it. 

So, Mike bought me an absolutely stunning necklace for my birthday.  It is of our boys; I could not have asked for anything more lovely.  I know that I will wear this everyday that I can along with the diamond stud earrings I have been wearing since my first mothers' day three years ago.  He topped the evening off by taking me to New Smyrna Beach for dinner at Chases on the beach, a little bar and grill that has THE BEST spinach dip, coconut shrimp and veggie wraps ever!  It was far from a candle lit dinner but any dinner with my hubbie, alone, is great in my book.  Our intention was to stroll the beach before heading back home to our babies, but it was quite the chilly night.  We then opted for a "stroll" through the cheesy 24 hour touristy beach shops that are ever so notorious for tie-dye and flourescent destination t-shirts.  I did happen upon a cute pair of pink daisy sterling silver earrings that I fell in love with and were the perfect addition to my birthday celebration.  

I have captured this weekend in a few pictures that I hope you enjoy!  Good night my dear friends!  Sweet Dreams.
