I never really decided when I would "wean" Cole off of the constant need for his binky, rather I let it come naturally. I figured, once the binky(s) run out, or get lost, that is when it will happen. That day came and went about two weeks ago when we were packing up for the move to our new place.
He did very well, and in some cases, I really don't think he missed it. Yesterday rolled around, and while unpacking what seemed to be a never ending sea of boxes, I discovered it. THE binky. The decision to not discard of it immediately seems to be one I might regret. By nightfall, and close to bedtime, Cole so effortlessly, reached his little hand up to the counter (wait...when did he get so big to reach the counters?) and slid it off the ledge, and straight to his mouth. Okay, I just realized something. How long had that binky been missing and what germs did it pick up by being in moving boxes? Gross. I need to find it now and toss it.
Okay, so anyway, Cole has been attached to this thing for the last 24 hours and has a HUGE fit when I take it away. I can't help but to chuckle under my breath a little b/c he is so incredibly adorable when he throws his little tantrums. I dare not let him see me laugh, otherwise he will figure out how to ALWAYS get his way. Binky, you win for now, but we will meet again very soon my friend.
Speaking of security, Cole has been attached to the same blanket since birth and he never leaves it behind. I love this, but his attachment has turned into something even bigger. A second blanket has entered his life and he can't live without it. I originally bought this "2nd" cozy blanket to keep in the car to avoid bringing #1 everywhere, thus increasing wear and tear. Well, my plan has turned his need into a major obsession. Every morning when he wakes, I pick up both blankies, throw them over my shoulder, then up comes Cole, onto my hip and his head nestled on my chest and into the sea of blankie coziness. I love that he loves something(s) so much. He is so passionate and never forgets about them. Hmmm, I could transition into so many different topics here, but I will keep this post focused. Oh the urge!
I know a day will come when Blankie #1, Blankie #2, and little Bink will be just a memory for him (and I), so I want to savor the sweetness as long as I can. For now, he is my baby, and I will treasure every snuggle and cuddle that they provide my little guy. My baby. My love.
Change of direction. I can't write about Cole and not about Garrett, I have guilty mom sydrome! Is that normal when there is a household with more than one child? Anyway, I literally cannot believe how much Garrett gas grown. He will be four years old in just 2 short months; where has this time gone? The one thing that sticks out in my mind about Garrett, is that he is very caring and sensitive about life. He gets this from Mike , but I know he gets a lot from me too. When he gets attached to something, he cares for it deeply and never wants to let go. This is not just physical things, this love is also for people, ideas, and places. For example, we had the delight of talking to all three grandparents on Skype this week. Last night was my parents, and tonight my mother-in-law. Emotionally, today was especially hard for Garrett, as he woke up later than normal and missed sending Daddy off to work this morning. This has become quite the routine since being in the new house, and I have to admit, it is one of my new favorite things to do. So, after a day of emotional stress, Garrett "needed" to talk to his Grandma Ju-Ju, and was ecstatic when the time came to do so. But as expected, when time came for goodbyes, he broke down and didn't want to let her go. This breaks my heart, but just as I said about Cole, I love that Garrett LOVES so much. He is my little sweetheart and is so caring for me, his daddy, little brother, family, friends and toys. I hope he never changes. This is my prayer for him.
Sleep tight my little men. I love you.
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