Monday, September 15, 2008

chicken nuggets and fish sticks

I used to be able to write really, really well, but as I am starting this blog, I have come to realize that either 1) I have naturally lost the gift of writing or 2) my boys have literally sucked the life out of me through childbirth. I doubt the latter is true but I think those of us that have chosen to stay home with our children, somehow get lost in a world of sippy cups, fruit snacks and tonka trucks. There is no down time for reflection nor time for self expression when you are the tantrum police, chicken nugget and fish stick maker, time out monitor, diaper conisour, maid, teacher, playmate, boo-boo mender and best of all, comforter. So, with that said, perhaps one day, during my one minute break, I can sit down with my 'now' cold cup of coffee and amuse you with my mommy talk. For all of you moms that are partly intrigued with blogging, come back to see me soon! Until my next 'minute', I pray that you are able to keep the peace in your homes and make the very best chicken nuggets and fish sticks.

Love, Stephanie

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